
Showing posts from 2017

How To Overcome Negativity

Everyone of us have in ourselves the feeling of negativity ,whether we accept it or not . We all are aware that this feelings does us no good . We all wanted to get rid of this nasty feeling but find it difficult to overcome . In this post ,we will be sharing some easy tips on how to overcome negativity and  Feel Good again .                                           What is negativity ? But before hopping directly to the process of recovering this feeling ,we must know what does negativity means . Well , negativity is nothing but one's thinking . When you think negative about any situation  ,your body reacts to it and you start feeling negative . These feelings include fear , hopelessness , despair and so on . You even stop visualizing things positively . You start feeling mentally stressed and this stress leads to the blockage of your ability to think and you start over-reacting even minor things .                                          What cause negativity ?